Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Mexico, Tekal: Bumpy ride into the jungles…from my view at Ox Watz

As I sit in front of my laptop grasping my grande vanilla chai latte blowing at my wet Estee Lauder nails, my designer spectacles focus on the articles of children soldiers, children sold into slavery and how much more I could do to recycle. I swallow my latte with a thick gulp and think back to Ox Watz. Mr. Manuel, the Program Director showed me what it feels like to reinvigorate my passion for sustainable ecotourism, gaze at the archeological site of Xbaatun and experience the pulsation of Mayan life. As I closed my eyes and floated in the womb of one of the most pristine cenotes, I opened my eyes to a somewhat more exhilarating sky. The mountain bike ride to an excavated Mayan pyramid was the highlight for me. Upon reaching the top of the pyramid, the view was intoxicating and I could see why this place was so sacred to the Mayan people. In fact, most of the people involved in this project are the people of the Mayan community. If you are looking for that wholesome experience of kayaking in an untouched lake, walking barefoot along an ancient Mayan trail or just a bumpy ride into the jungles, this is a place you want to put on your map: http://www.oxwatz.com/Ubicacion.html

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jfeelgood said...

The intro was epic