Sunday, May 10, 2009

Marmalade Sunsets: My interview with Rob Cipriano, Founder & Chairman, IllumAlliance International Humanitarian Group, Beyond Borders Internet TV

Rob, my discussions with you have left me pondering how someone who has endured, witnessed and experienced as much as you have; and yet, still able to push through every livid encumbrance catapulted at you from elongated orbital trajectories. You’re someone I have come to know with an abundance of respect for your attitude towards human development and understanding.

Beyond Borders Internet TV (BBiTV) is the brainchild of Rob Cipriano, an innovative and prodigious TV network committed to broadcasting documentaries and videos with an emphasis on humanitarian advancement. This extraordinary and extensive network of programming serves to highlight and educate its audience surrounding issues of global poverty and includes absorbing content with channels such as the UNICEF, Save the Children and Point Hope Foundation programming – and the best part: it’s all online! Not only is one able to open up your browser at any airport/coffee shop/ boyfriend’s couch/fundraiser meeting to view BBiTV, but the progressive content delivered by this network has consummated dynamic avenues in humanitarian initiatives.

As I recount Rob and my discussions, of him as an orphaned boy, who, through his abominable experiences of living in an orphanage, of a boy who faced constant loneliness, immeasurable fear of punishment for doing anything to upset the orphanage caretakers and a longing of a child wanting nothing more than affection, he has recognized the commitment for advocating children’s rights, having withstood the life of a child who had none.

Sometimes, I wonder what it takes for us to open our eyes to the world around us. I think of my trip to the Isle of Skye a while ago where I had been cross examined by a local fisherman in a local Highland bar, about how I spent my (then) time. When I explained to him that I probably spent around 60 hours a week behind my laptop, he was completely and utterly shocked, invited me to his office (beautiful Highland pier) and pointed out to all 20 houses in the village, reciting the names of every single inhabitant in the village of 100. He gets up every morning, spends a few hours fishing, comes back and hangs out at his office (the other local bar-his words). “What are you running to Megan and why are you running so fast” he kept on asking me. It took a $1000 plane ticket, 10 hour flight there and back and constantly being rained on for me to realize the answer to his question.

BBiTV can be accessed at Several volunteer opportunities exist within BBiTV. For more information, please contact Rob at
To view my video introduction to BBiTV, please see
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rbagain said...

peace to you Megan, your blog, videos in the posts work well. are a GRT! energy...
...blessed with a gift...sharing it with the world.